This NY Times article clearly shows the value of high-quality content for online marketing purposes: |
University of Pennsylvania researchers confirm what many online (and offline) marketers know we need to do, but find so difficult to accomplish. Essentially, to get people to engage with and recommend our content, the content has to go beyond the mundane and capture imagination and awe.
Since it’s pretty difficult for us mere mortals to regularly reach the “awe” metric, perhaps “interesting” or “unexpected” is good enough. Maybe a different way at looking at things, or counter-intuitive data or advice would be most effective.
In any event, this article has given me a lot to think about, and I hope you find it useful.
Some specifics, at least for the NY Times’ demographic:
- Be intellectually challenging
- Positive beats negative
- Evoke emotions
- Don’t be afraid to delve deeply into a subject
If you have had success at creating “awesome” content, I (and anyone reading this) would love to learn more about what you did and how you did it.
Cheers, Eric